Tuesday 27 October 2015

Facts to know About Ovarian Cysts

Women not often give enough thought about the ovaries; hence it would be rather less unsettling to understand for the ovarian cysts while they are menstruating. However, once you realise you are not supposed to panic as they are often harmless and you can easily get rid of the same. Yet, you need to fix them before it becomes big. In some cases, women would feel the pelvic pain with it. Anyway, let’s check some facts about ovarian cysts as under:

 Image Credit: healthyandnaturalworld.com

1) Refresh about the ovaries and fallopian tubes

It’s been long you learnt in your high school biology textbooks. Inside the pelvis, you have uterus flanked over by two different ovaries each of size of almond. When you become pregnant, the egg swaddle over the fluid filled space known as follicle and soon you realise an egg moving inside the space called follicle. 

2) Cyst Formation 

If your follicle doesn’t really release any egg, then you will find it growing much bigger, which end up developing the follicle cyst. The formed cysts can bring in the bleeding and thus can cause pain inside the pelvic area. Generally, these things would be seen disappearing under few weeks and thus can be called as very much small, however, it can be possible to have a bigger size cyst that can measure a couple of inches as well.

3) Dermoid cyst

Sometime you find the cyst turning dermoid cyst that is formed when cell over the ovary is seen getting divided. These are not common are can be seen growing bigger up to 10 cm and 4 inches. At times it may need a surgery to get rid of the same. 

4) Having Ovarian cyst, how would you know it?

The ovarian cysts do not often bring in symptoms and usually goes away. However, to know that you have this, you would notice a different kind of bleeding during your menstrual cycle giving a sign of corpus luteum cyst.

5) Test to confirm the Ovarian cyst 

Once you feel the cyst, your doctor would consider a pelvic test and ultrasound, which is usually carried out when you have a pain in the pelvic area.  

6) Some other ovarian cyst symptoms to know 

Severe kind of symptoms like ovarian cysts like nausea, vomiting and fever can indicate the presence of ovarian cysts. On these symptoms always consider this to be a medical emergency. 

7) Common tests for cyst 

More often, your doctor would be seen considering vaginal ultrasound, which confirms the same. However, your doctor will monitor the same for 2-3 weeks before he or she starts the treatment.

8) Do you need a surgery? 

If you have ignored the symptoms of cysts for long, you are likely to make things bad for you. If you find it bigger than four inches, you can have the suspicion of having a mass or tumour. This simply needs a surgical procedure like laparotomy or laparoscopy surgery. 

9) Preventing Cysts 

Consuming birth control pills (if you do not want to be pregnant) can help you in preventing this issue. However, if you still get this problem, it is always recommended to wait and watch for a while and then start the treatment to prevent the same. 

10) Understanding Polycystic ovary syndrome 

Around 7 percent of women are seen developing hormonal disorder, which means you have a number of ovarian cysts. These can bring in issues like irregular periods and other issues, which shouldn’t be misunderstood with other issues.

11) Can a Menopause history can bring in ovarian cysts?

A majority of times, the cysts are developed due to pre-menopausal women. Ovarian cysts though can make things bad but these are not cancerous. 

12) Ovarian cysts are not cancerous 

You may feel that cysts could be cancerous; however, the fact is just the opposite. The tests would confirm the same but will no way indicate to the menace like cancer.

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